Saturday, 24 January 2015


Hello fellow Pannchoa-tizens ^^
thanks to you guys our blog is growing bigger and bigger everyday :D
but that also means that we are beginning to see some issues arising ><

first, it has to do with the numbers of request.
we are trying our best to respond every request but nowadays, there are a bit "too much" for us.
so, what we thought is that we'll take in requests only on Saturdays (EST time):D. So, we will disregard the other requests made during other week days ( because of school and all..) :(
another reason is that we get requested a lot about the same artists over and over again, and since we want to update you guys more on recent stuff and we want to give more varied content, we hope that you guys can understand! ^^;;
Most of the requests that we translate are sent from Twitter, so if you guys want to request, do it via Twitter :)
there are more chances for us to see it^^

second, the comments section!
just a friendly reminder to stay polite and nice to each other
let's be a small family that grows in harmony together :D
you guys are all kind pannchoa-tizens so let's keep the good interaction ^^

that's all!!~~
we wish that you guys are safe and healthy wherever you are ^3^)/\(^_^

Pannchoa twin-admins


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