Wednesday, 20 May 2015


nowadays, Who are you is so fun to watch so I searched up about Nam Joohyuk and Yook Sungjae
and I found an interview
he kinda looks like he's living full of himself and he doesn't think much
Personally, I 'm a bit disappointed by Nam Joohyuk..

trans: thesunnytown (you can read the full interview here!)

Q: Kangnam is quite popular among high school girls.
But the shouts for him and for me are a bit different. When he walks by, people go “wow” because they have the feeling they’re seeing someone fun passing by. When I’m the one walking by, it’s a little bit more like interjections? I hear stuff like “he’s so freaking good-looking”.

Q: Haha, you also classify the shouts you get. You’re particularly popular with female students, so what reaction do you remember?
When I hear only nice things about me, if someone goes “ah, for me, Nam Joo Hyuk is nothing special”, I kind of tend to lose my temper. It’s like I didn’t tell you anything so why do you judge me? I’m probably this way because I’m used to hear only nice things about me.

Q: You believe in yourself.
Yes. Believing in what I’m able to do is my strong point. I have no thought of going fast. I should just take my time to reach my goal.

Q: Will we be able to see the evil expression of Nam Joo Hyuk one day?
Maybe. More than that, can’t you write the name of my first dentist? Saying he/she failed.

post response:
original post: here

힘수니 |2015.05.20 22:54
it's not a bit shattered for Nam Joohyuk, it's really shattered

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.20 19:16
I can already see how he loses his temper rapidly. In their school series, Nam Joohyuk and Kangnam didn't receive any prizeso they were shocked, and he freaking exploded shouting "I wanna play basketball!!!basketball!! Open your ears if you wanna hear me out get it?!!!". When I saw this I started thinking that his personalities were sosoㅋㅋㅋbut Kangnam was trying to tone down but it was still offensive;;

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.21 00:39
After doing this interview Nam Joohyuk posted this..There was another article about this...looking only at this article, you can't be able to judge him
t/n: how can you write and listen at the same time
에효효 |2015.05.21 00:07
After the interview came out, Nam Joohyuk wrote ' how can you write and listen at the same time' the reporter was wrong too .... the OP's evil editing is also wrong... seems like you've edited the whole interviewㅋㅋ you don't even know what they excluded from that interview and you couldn't even see his face~ the caption said that he was joking when he talked about Kangnam, because they're close to each other.. If you really watch their school series you'd know that they're only joking with each other all the time.. saying that he caught the actor disease~ sigh... saying that his personalities are bad based on this interview is a bit... His dentist made a mistake with his teeth and he usually makes a lot of mistakes when he talks so he has to start filming everything again. I don't wanna think anything about it yet, nowadays, he started acting too, I don't know what other actors are compared to him but Nam Joohyuk's pronunciation has always been like that. During his school series, you can hear that his accent is really strong and since he's from Busan he has a bit of satoori too, he always used to be awkward because of this so it's good that he's being the trend nowadays~~~~ ㅋㅋ Am I the only one who knew him since his model daysㅠㅜ ㅋㅋㅋ I hope he films his drama prettily and he promotes well!

ㅇ |2015.05.20 23:40
what bad personalitiesㅋㅋㅋ he's always buying stuff for other kids in his school series, he spends at least ~$100US/day in school, when Kangnam wants anything, he lends him right away, he's always fooling around Kangnam and he's really innocentㅋㅋㅋㅋanyways, you just wanna hear what you wanna hear and see what you wanna see~


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