Sunday, 22 October 2017


Image result for boyfriend gif anime
(picture not included)

Hello. I'm a female office worker in my mid twenties.

I'm not feeling super well right now because of this situation.
I have a boyfriend and we've been dating for 5 months. He's not someone you would call "freaking handsome" but he's someone who would be considered handsome by anyone.

I can't tell you what his profession is but he has a great job. He's the same age as me.
Although our majors are different, we graduated from the same university but we didn't know each other during that time.

Some time ago, our university alumni decided to have a gathering so I met him there. He was a friend of my male friend since they went to the same high school. On the first day we met, we exchanged our contact information and we've been keeping in touch with each other.

From what I heard, he has a nice family too and although it's a bit young for guys to get married at his age, we've been talking about it here and thereㅠㅠ so that's why I'm feeling a bit uneasy.

The problem started when I introduced my boyfriend to my friend. This friend of mine also has a boyfriend. We knew each other ever since we were young and we went to the same high school. She's one of the few people I'm really close to. She got surgery once she entered university and became so pretty and ever since then, she was always dating someone.

But this is what happened.

On the day I introduced her to my boyfriend, she was asking him what he liked about me and what he found pretty about me. My boyfriend felt a bit awkward so he said that he found everything pretty, especially my eyes. She then told him that he should be praising our country's medical surgeons instead.

I indeed got double eyelid surgery but did she really have to mention it then? I felt a bit uncomfortable.

And after that, we met with her a few times a the same spot. Today, she came with her hair cut short in a bob style and she even put on perfume. I think that she used the same as mine.

My boyfriend likes short hair and that's something that my friend knew already... Just now, we parted ways with my friend and I had a fight with my boyfriend. My boyfriend was asking me if there was something weird between me and my friend since we looked weird. Actually, he said that he found her weird too.

He said that last time, he gave her his business number and since then, she would text him good night, or ask him if he slept well late at night but he wouldn't really mind it at first. But today, he said that he found her weird. His katalk kept on getting notifications, so I asked him to show me his texts.

So I saw her sending him aegyo emoticons while wishing him good night, asking him when to eat together and if short hair suits her well...ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ha...

Thankfully my boyfriend only replies her with short replies like 'ok, thank you' and things like that.
I told him that I wanted him to stop contacting her and to draw a line with her.

Now that I think of it, my boyfriend did compliment me about my smell before. I think that my friend changed her perfume because of that. ㅜㅜ Should I be suspicious of my friend? Even though she's my close friend, I feel betrayed.

If what I think is right, should I stop contacting my friend?

post response:
original post: here

11 |2017.10.22 08:49 신고하기
You should screen cap his katalk chat and put it as his profile picture on kakao and write "what are you doing with my boyfriend?"ㅋㅋㅋ 

ㅜㅜ |2017.10.21 23:02 신고하기
If she flirts with your boyfriend, just ditch her

|2017.10.22 10:07 신고하기
She can't do this if she's your best friendㅋㅋ please cut contact with her, she's someone who's crazy about guys

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.22 10:21 신고하기
Guys are slower than girls when it comes to noticing this kind of stuff. If even OP's boyfriend found her weird, it's 100% certain that she was trying to steal him away. Your friend is just crazy for guys. 

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.22 09:59 신고하기
OP, your thoughts are 1000% right. Please ditch her right away. This old saying is never wrong: "you can never fathom a human's mind"


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