Thursday, 14 December 2017

[teen stories] WOW CRAZY I JUST GOT CONFESSEDㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Ah ㅜㅜㅜㅜI’m going crazy seriously this is daebak, I don’t even know where to start, I’m shaking right now. I might be speaking gibberish right now, but I’ve always been so envious of people getting confessions on PANN, so I’ll write mine too nowㅎㅎ 

First of all, I’m attending the same school as my crush. I'm in middle school 3rd year and there are 4 bus stations between my neighborhood and the school, so I’m living in the suburb!!
Everyone would go to school with their cars, but my crush is the only one taking the bus with me!! I’ve seen him by accident a few times when taking the bus together..ㅋㅋ

I just passed the entrance exam to my highschool and my crush also passed the exam, so once we graduate, there will be no way we would see each other again, but today, something happened.

We were practicing for a music performance for the end of the year at my school so my crush and I and 6 other people stayed 2 hours after class?
When we ended, everyone was packing their bags and he asked me “Are you taking the bus today?
And I said “I don’t think soㅜㅜ I don’t have bus fares anymore so I’ll just walk home”
So he replied “I’ll pay for you, let’s go together” so I thanked him and told him I wanted to go with him and he smiled.

We just talked about this and that and it was 7 o’clock when we arrived, it was kind of dark already and he told me he could walk me home. I did all my best to not make it obvious and just thanked him…ㅋㅋㅋ
We kept talking about this and that while walking too

When we were approaching my house, I was getting awkward because I didn’t know if I should thank him or greet him first
So I just said “since I’m thankful, I’ll also walk you home but only halfway” ㅋㅋㅋ I have no idea why I said that.
He just laughed and we fussed over what “bringing home” would mean ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
There’s a soccer field next to my house, and he went in and ran in the field so I followed and we just ended up talking about this and that again

Then I said with all my courage ㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋ “Are we going to be able to see each other after graduation?” and out of the blue, he suddenly extended his hands.
I was so taken aback that I got red all the way up to my ears. Of course, he extended his hands again, and it looked like him wanted to take me somewhere, so I just grabbed his hand out of confusion, and we started walking again but it was so awkward.

Then my crush went “So you think you’ll miss me?”, then I just took all the courage I had and said “yeah I think so”.
When I said that, he suddenly stopped walking and turned his body to face me and stared at my eyes.
I thought that time stopped.

At that instant, I didn’t know where to look at anymore and I didn’t know what to say either. There was an earthquake in my pupils.

My crush held my hand tighter and said “Me too I think I’ll miss you” and I thought that my heart would burst because I was going crazy.
I was so shocked that I couldn’t say anything and he smiled and said “Once we go to highschool, we must meet again then”
It’s my first time holding my crush’s hand and we’ve been starring at each other for such a long moment. He was grabbing my hand tightly.

He said “Can we spend the last moment of our middle school together then?”
At first, I didn’t hear well and went “huh?”
So he pulled my hand closer and said “I like you”

Boooohooooㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ My face turned red and I lost my mind
My crush then asked me “Is it okay with you? That we’re together?”
And I was so shocked that I just nodded
Then he squeezed my hand even tighter and said “Ah seriously I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to tell you this”

And then he just ran in the soccer field, and I was still so shocked that I just thanked him for playing with me and escaped home
We chatted on katalk when I went home and talked about this and that..
And we talked about what we’ll do during high school..

It doesn’t feel like we’re already dating, it just feels so normal.. What will I do when I go to school tomorrow, my heart is fluttering so much

I’m looking forwardㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♡

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.13 23:58 신고하기
f*cking heart fluttering ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Boohoo please last long...ㅜ

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.14 01:04 신고하기
Wow yah f*ck yah... Wow... This is freaking the top, f*ck my heart is fluttering, I'm so jealous

ㄱㄴㄷ |2017.12.14 07:33 신고하기
Seriously innocent.... Go for the long run... I'm so envious

ㅇ |2017.12.14 11:08 신고하기
Right off the start, 2 students in uniform, taking the bus from the suburb, it was already set to be heart fluttering..,..........

ㅇ |2017.12.14 12:24 신고하기
Daebak heart fluttering, I always wondered if such confession could happen in real life, this one is jjang

ㅇ |2017.12.14 07:39 신고하기
Wow seriously you guys have to last long, you will date prettily, please write a continuation some timeㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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