Monday, 12 February 2018


Image result for exo el dorado
(pic not included, such a nice pic*_*)

Into your world
What is love
Baby don't cry
Black Pearl
El Dorado 

Those songs' concepts are the ones that are the most EXO-esque and easy to understand.
The similarity of those songs is that they don't really have that modern/pop aura to them and they're also very surreal sounding
Those are the reactions of the people who've listened to those songs
"Seriously it feels like EXO are going back into the legendary period to find the El Dorado"
"It feels like a storm just raged by"
They made those songs based on the Greek mythology, they feel like a fiction but they're also realistic enough.

Do you guys understand what I mean?
I just think that EXO's concepts can only be told through EXO and their concept is unrivaled..
It feels like they're telling the story of EXO as angels falling in love with humans.
To a certain extent, it feels surreal and it's ambiguous, it feels like fiction but also it challenges your sense of reality.

As everyone must know, EXO's depiction of the "female protagonist" is light like a feather and looks like an angel. They're also beautiful and they live in a world that has no darkness, but instead everything is bright. That's the narrative.
And somehow you're inclined to feel like you're the girl when listening to the songs.
I feel like since it's EXO, they are able to make their songs feel that way.
They seriously have an unique worldview and their concept encourage this narrative.
One thing for sure it's an aura that only EXO can pull off. 

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.12 02:54 신고하기
I'm another group's fan but honestly, El Dorano and My answer are quite nice! Especially My answer, I've listened to it a whole day I even listened to the instrumental and the split tracks versionㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅋㅋㅋㅠㅜㅜㅜ

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.12 02:54 신고하기
Even EXO's name is so well-thought.. It can't be explained but it feels gangster/handsome/heart fluttering, etc. It's just very "EXO-esque" ㅇㅇ I watch El Dorado's videos so often.. The one they did at Tokyo Dome.. The one where Sehun speaks in Japanese in the middle...

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.12 02:59 신고하기
There's no EXO songs I haven't listened to on Melon, thank you for your post

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.12 03:08 신고하기
Please listen to "They never know".. I'm not an EXO fan, but I listen to a lot of songs and just pick and choose what I like, and EXO-Ls have suggested this one to me so I listened to it, just from the title it feels like a dream, it's freaking jjang

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.12 03:45 신고하기
Wow "Into your world" and "Beautiful" are freaking amazing, the aura straight up stands out as soon as the song starts....  It feels like they're healing a heavy heart wow...... The aura and lyrics feel like heavenㅠㅠㅠ From today on, they'll be my healing songsㅠ


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