Wednesday, 7 February 2018


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(pic not included)

It’s like the title says, this conversation was so nonsense..
Do you have any friends who always cuts you every time you talk?ㅠㅠ
It’s not that bad but it’s more like she always interferes every time I talk?ㅠㅠ
This is one of the examples:
Me: Yah Park Daeri moved. Do you know why?
Friend (F): Huh? Park Daeri moved? Where?
Me: Ah, around Hongdae, anyways why did she move?
F: Hul Hongdae? Daebak, how will she commute?
Me: I don’t know about that but why did she move though?
F: No, no yah, what kind of room did she get in Hongdae? One room? Mini two-rooms?
Me: I don’t know either, the house she had before…
F: Where was she living before? Was she living alone?
Me: Yah.. anyways, the house she had before was located in a totally cheap area
F: Eyy, if she lives alone, what’s the point of living in a big house?
Me: Yeah she actually has a reason to live in a big house, that’s what I was trying to sayㅠ it’s huge news, hear me out
F: Ok, go ahead (takes selca)
Me: Yeah… So her neighbors at her original house-
F: Ah~ yahㅡㅡ that’s right. My neighbors from below my room said that I was too loud and came in to fight with me. I was seriously annoyed
Me: ….
Haㅠ because of that, I end up not saying things right either
When we talk about things that she doesn’t know, she would ask us why we’re leaving her out…
Sometimes, I would get mad and say “XX-ah, listen to what I have to say until the end, I was talking just now no?” but then she would sulk alone and then start taking selcas again…
But except for that, she’s a pretty good friend, so I don’t know how I can fix this habit of hersㅠㅠ
Do you guys also have a similar friend in your surroundings?

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.07 12:28 신고하기
So why did Park Daeri move out? I’m curious but that b*tch kept on cutting in

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.07 12:31 신고하기
Is that considered mild ADHD? Looks like she’s not aware of what she’s doing though… it’s a shame that she’s a good friend of yours but if I had a friend like her, I would leave her for my own mental health.

ㄷㄷ |2018.02.07 12:33 신고하기
Ah.. hopeless….ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ this type of kid only wants to hear what they want to hear… it’s tiring… they want others to sympathize with them… try to slowly grow apart from her and talk to her directly. I think that that’s the only answer.. be like “why do you always cut me off?...” Change your facial expressions a bit to show her that she’s doing something wrong…

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.07 12:48 신고하기
The issue is that even if people who act like that read your post, they wouldn’t realize that it’s about them. You should let her know just how inconsiderate and rude she acted

내사랑 |2018.02.07 12:45 신고하기
I think that she has adult ADHD. She needs to get on medication and behavioural therapy. I don’t know if you can fix this after you’re all grown up though.


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