Friday, 9 February 2018

[twenties stories] I USED TO THINK THAT 25 Y'O WAS OLD WHEN I WAS 21.....

(pic not included)

I used to think that 25 years old was so old...
But 4 years passed and seeing me like this now
whether I'm 21 or 25... There's really nothing different...
I'm still thinking like a kid...
Now that I'm 25 it seems like 29 is very old
but I wonder if I'll really feel different in 2022

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original post: here

123 |2018.02.10 02:01 신고하기
Seriously... There's always this image I give of every age.. At 26 I will be mature, at 29 I will be a career woman, and at 32 I will be a cool single woman,etc. But I stayed the same brat

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.10 00:21 신고하기
For real...I might look aged but I still have a lot of hardships and I'm still a noob in society 

ㅜㅜ |2018.02.09 21:57 신고하기
Me too... There's no big deal getting old..

ㅎ |2018.02.10 03:06 신고하기
I seriously relate... At church I used to look at those unnies and oppas in their 23/24's as someone very old when I was in middle school but after I graduated from university, I was preparing to get in the work market and I realized that Wow I'm seriously still so young.... I'm 23 now and there's nothing different from the time I was 18...ㅎ I relate

으으 |2018.02.10 09:32 신고하기
I used to think that it'll suddenly hit you once you grow old and have a kid but it's the same ~~the only thing that changes is that you look aged~~


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