Wednesday, 30 May 2018


Dream Catcher, BTS, Bol4, Shinee, Pristin, etc. all came back in May.
There will be the World Cup and the elections in June but the comeback lineup is as solid as May.
This group will have WJSN’s Luda and Seola and Weki Meki’s Yoojung and Doyeon!!
I couldn’t think that this unit would happen but it looks so refreshing!!
They will have their debut at 6PM on June 1st. Looking forward to it~~
2. Wanna One
They had a comeback in August 7th last year, in March 19th this year and now, on June 4th!!
They will release their 3rd mini album this Friday at 6PM.
All 11 of them will participate in the title track + they will have 4 units with 1 song each. I’ll look forward to their songs regardless of how they do in the charts~~ they will also go on a tour overseas so I hope they take care of their bodies~
3. Fromis 9
The group that debuted from Idol School, Fromis 9.
They will have their 2nd mini album on June 5th and it will be released at 6PM.
I’m looking forward to them~
4. A.C.E
Since Chan will be promoting with UNB, they will have a 4-members comeback on the 7th of June at 6PM.
I’ll look forward to all 5 of them crossing path on broadcast!!
5. ONF
Last year, they got their name known because of Mix9.
This time, ONF will have their digital release on the 7th of June at 6!!
I enjoyed their CF~~ and I’ll look forward to a cool stage~~
6. Shinee
The part. 1 of their 6th album got hot response with ‘Good Evening’ right?
Usually, a full album has 8~12 songs but this time, they will have 15 songs.
But instead of having only 1 title song, they will have 3 mini albums with 5 songs each.
Looks like they are heading towards a 3-songs comeback!!
I’ll trust in the remaining songs that are to be released.
They already released 5 songs on the 28th of May
They will be releasing part. 2 on the 11th of June including ‘I Want You’, and part. 3 on the 25th of June including ‘The Remaining Words’.
7. Kim Yongguk
He’s currently the MC for MTV The Show each Friday!!
Last year, he made the hot topic because of P101 and was a member of the Open Up team.
He also promoted under JBJ.
This time, he’s coming out with a solo song and Yoon Mirae also participated in writing the song.
He will have a digital release on the 13th of June, I’ll listen to it without fault~~
8. Black Pink
Some time ago, they were in the featured posts on Pann for being idols who don’t lipsync!!
They are from YG, so that’s enough said.
They will have a comeback 1 year later on the 15th of June.
It will overlap with the World Cup in Russia but, I’m sure that the quality of their songs and performance will be as high as my expectations~~
Yang CEO!! He just needs to follow through the schedule now!!
9. BtoB
They are always known as the group who are exceptional live
They will have a comeback after 8 months on the 18th at 6 with a new mini album.
It will overlap with the World Cup but I feel like they will release a song that will please the general public!!
I’ll look forward to their live stage!!
10. Kim Donghan
He’s known as the Fancam Master.
He will have his solo debut on the 19th at 6PM.
I’ll look forward to it~~
11. Momoland
They have been the talk of the town since January because of Boom Boom
They will comeback with a new song on the 26th at 6PM!!
Looking forward to it~~
12. MeloMance
Even MeloMance who broke the charts with ‘Gift’ is having a comeback.
They said that they will release a song in the late June~ early July.
They can be trusted so I’ll look forward to them!! I hope that their solo concert hit daebak!!

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.30 01:02 신고하기
BtoB will have a digital release on the 11th and come back on the 18th~~ please listen to their song a lot and thank youㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.30 00:06 신고하기
Thank you for mentioning Shinee and Wanna One ❤️

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.30 09:57 신고하기
Yongguk is here too ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Kim Yongguk will debut with ‘Clover’ on the 13th❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.30 01:26 신고하기
OP, thank you for mentioning Yonggukie  He will have a digital release on the 13th with ‘Clover’ so please listen to it a lot 

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.30 19:39 신고하기
Please make sure to listen to our Yonggukie and donghanie ‘s song ♥️


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