Thursday, 20 September 2018


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Maybe I’m just antisocial…
I find meeting people so tiring and it stresses me out so much.
At work too, every year, there are events where I have to interact with a lot of people. And I’m not even in the service industry.
I’ve always been someone who likes to be alone and I’m a total homebody.
Even when I was small, when my friends came in front of my house and asked me to go out, we would always argue until I give in and go out to meet them.
I don’t like to drink either and I hate drinking games. Rather than my personality being not lively, it’s more that I’m not the type to be more talkative the more I drink?
Everyone around me are the complete opposite.
They all hate being alone and are the type to let go of their stress when they meet people..
As for me, I relieve my stress when I’m alone..
Yesterday, I just felt that going out to meet people was beyond my capacity..ㅠ
I was wondering if I could keep on living like this? If I should meet with people for the sake of having connections even though it’s against my will?... it’s not that I hate meeting new people, more that I’m scared of it?ㅠㅠ

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.09.19 11:44 신고하기
I’m a damn insider (T/N: opposite of being a reject) outside but as soon as I come home, I cut contact with everyone. To be honest, I like it the best when I’m alone and I have the most fun when I’m alone. Why should we take care of others so much? In the end, you have nothing else than your family

괜찮아 |2018.09.19 12:21 신고하기
I feel like I might be older than OP so I’m gonna give you some advice as a fellow homebody. It’s not a bad thing to hate meeting people ㅎㅎ you should live life according to your own standards. It’s not about living according to someone else’s standards if you force yourself to fit societal standards, it will just make you want to be alone even more and will make meeting new people even more of a pain. At that time, it’s good to be by yourself for a little while. Then later, your energy will come back and for a moment, you will be prepared to meet people againㅎㅎalso, if you don’t like the people at your work right now, try changing jobs. The world is full of places that can palpitate your heart

안녕 |2018.09.19 12:08 신고하기
I’m also like this and don’t really want to meet other people ㅜㅜ I have a friend who needs to meet people all the time… I understand that she’s just the extrovert type but she doesn’t understand people who are different from her and thinks that I hate myself… she always treats me like I’m weird or that it’s a bad thing to be introverted and I’m so stressed because of her…

ㅇㅇ |2018.09.19 12:18 신고하기
I’m like this too. But at the same time, I always want to meet good people and I think that you will enjoy meeting the right people.. in the end, isn’t it about you not wanting to meet rude, disrespectful people or people who don’t match with you? Me too, when I meet this kind of people, my mood is ruined. Even if you do keep in touch with the bad people, you will still slowly end up cutting ties with them and at the end, only the good ones will remain. Even if you only have a few close friends, your life will be affluent


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