Thursday, 25 October 2018


This is a subject that a lot of mothers can relate to

"Subject: Is the second kid always prettier?

I have 2 kids and they are both boys.(T/N: we're gonna call the older one A and the younger one B for ease)

I have an older boy and a younger boy.. I love them both the same way..
I adore both of them.

A is gentle and good at studying but my second boy who's bad at studying is prettier.

Is it this way because he's the second born? B is not good at studying but is mischievous, cheerful and has a lot of aegyo, is that why he's prettier?

Seriously, B is seriously very cute and lovely... but of course when he does bad things, my blood is boiling but...

But seeing our in-laws, they really love my first son more...

As for us, nobody can be cuter than B.

If we give birth to a 3rd kid, he/she might be even prettier...
But since we had such a hard time raising our 2 first sons, I can't fathom the idea of giving birth to another kid ㅠㅠ

Comment 1:
My kids have a 6-years age gap.. Both are girls but, the older one has no aegyo and is taciturn.. The second one is overflowing with aegyo.. She also speaks prettily.. I feel like it was more fun to raise my second kid.. First daughter-yah.. sorry.. ㅠㅠ

Comment 2:
Yeah, when my second kid was born, it's like I feel that my first kid is all grown up. Even so, my first kid has more material support while I feel like my second daughter is prettier

(T/N: there are other comments, but everyone is saying how the second born is prettier and the first one is more quiet)

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.25 13:28 신고하기
Why do they not ask themselves why is their first kid taciturn, quiet and has no aegyo?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is all because of the parents.. Is it because the first born doesn't want to be treated as a baby?

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.25 13:54 신고하기
It's because once the second child is born, you end up seeing the first child as being more mature and stop seeing him/her as a kid^^ A lot of parents will start thinking "since he/she's all grown up, why should we treat him/her like that?" and start being more demanding on their first kid.

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.25 13:48 신고하기
I saw the original post and the girls really sounded so dumb. It's a good thing that they write down what they feel but I kinda got annoyed reading it. If the first born starts doing aegyo, they will tell him/her off and ask him/her why are they acting like a kid anyways. It's not that the first born has no aegyo, it's because even if he/she had aegyo, the parents will make him/her get rid of it

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.25 17:32 신고하기
First born▷ She's already 7 years old can't she do it on her own? / Second born▷ She's only 7 years old, she can't do this on her own..

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.25 16:10 신고하기
I'm the first born and wherever I go, people always ask me "you're the oldest right? Even at school, it's obvious when a kid is the oldest of their family. There's a family I know of and the oldest daughter is still so young but because they had another kid, the parents think that the first kid is all grown up and treat her differently. But once the oldest daughter goes out, she realizes that she's still a baby. There are a lot of cases like that..


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