Sunday, 2 December 2018

[enter-talk] FOR IKON

First of all, to all the members and especially Hanbin,
I have something to say about them

For reference, aside one or 2 songs they've received as a gift iKON writes, compose, produce, record, and even sometimes choreography their entire albums. And this is mostly done by Hanbin (Usually he choreographs with members)

Beside that, he also participated in several songs for Psy, BP's Whistle, Winner's Empty, Epik High's Born Hater, etc.

Ever since 12 years old, Hanbin was already known to be the "Indian boy" alongside MC Mong when he appeared on broadcast

And at 18 years old, he finally debuted in YG

Imagine how much he went through already at 18 years old, he was told that he had to come up with songs and choreography, he had to be the leader and take responsibility for the producing and even recording
Just how much of a burden it was?
But at that time, he didn't even end up being able to debut

After that, he was always stressed out about whether he could be kicked out from YG
and everyday he was only busy writing songs
After 1 year, he had to shoot M&M again
and he and the members who lived together for 4-5 years had to go through the hell of survival again

And finally they made it to iKON
You can clearly see how Hanbin loves music so much

After he debuted, although his results were good at first, it started to slowly wear out
They can joke about it right now, but they said that Yang Hyunsuk really put all the pressure on them after that

B.I's solo had lyrics saying "If I had to live and die for the charts, I wouldn't be making music"
He was bluffing a lot when writing that, but I can feel that in reality, he was really pressured

Because he didn't want to become obsessed with charts, he doesn't have one single song related app in his phone
Especially after Love Scenario did so well, his burden just grew bigger

I can't imagine how he felt when he received Song Writer of the year after having went under so much pressure
I hope he continues to freely compose and slowly grow as an artist alongside his fans for a long time

I can't forget the moment I met you guys during WIN
I was envious of the fact that you guys had a dream to chase towards
and I respected you guys for working so hard,
I also felt sorry that you had it hard
It's my joy to see you guys seeing the light now

You guys aren't the typical idols and you're not handsome singers
But you guys made me enjoy my youth through your youth
Don't look back and just do you with freedom

I will always support you,
congratulations for today

post response:
original post :here

ㅇㅇ |2018.12.02 00:45 신고하기
Seriously amazing.. They've done well and fell down and now they've overcame it again... Seriously not a lot of groups can pull something like that, and they also won triple crown today. I feel like a lot of people joined the fandom today  

ㅇㅇ |2018.12.02 00:44 신고하기
B.I suffered a lot. Win, M&M, SMTM, and when they debuted, people were hating on him, he always got up every time but every time, people had to bring him down again, seeing this really made my heart ache. Especially before Love Scenario was released, he was saying how he found the song so so and he wasn't confident in it, Because he didn't like the song, he was afraid to disappoint so he closed his phone for the night and discovered how well it did only in the morning, seeing this really saddened me. Imagine how hard it was for him to overcome YG's obsession with numbers, all the hate comments, the personal attacks to him and his family... Thank you for your songs

ㅇㅇ |2018.12.02 00:38 신고하기
I already found B.I so cool ever since he was young

ㅇㅇ |2018.12.02 03:06 신고하기
Yah... Seriously the story of iKON as a group is so sad that hearing this as a fan makes me feel like we're actually close friends...? When he was giving his award speech, he was talking about his group telling people that if they were curious about them to go watch Win and M&M ㅠ I entered the fandom  12 days before my college entrance exam and I remember watching their videos for 4 hours straight.. I'm so happy to be an ikonic... iKON let's go for the long run

ㅇㅇ |2018.12.02 00:39 신고하기
Our Hanbin, please ignore those people cussing you about the big company privilege, and let's grow up slowly


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