Tuesday, 25 December 2018


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Hello~~ it’s my first time submitting a story, I’m nervous. Well, I’m pretty, my mother is taiwanese and Malian, my father is Japanese, I’m a blasisan, some people tell me i look like Pocahantas with curly hair. I live in Paris and being a blasian is quite rare, my surroundings fetish me too much it’s unbearable. I have inherited of all the stereotypes of my two ethnicities, I’m quite good at studying, not a genius; something like 14/20. My butt and chest aren’t big but since i have a tiny waist (23 inches, 60cm) and a medium butt, it’s easy to get confused.
Anyway, i have a horrible personality, I’m a pessimistic, lazy, arrogant, and violent person. If people don’t met my expectations i will just crumble them, because i feel like that. I know it’s bad but when I’m doing it, i couldn’t care less then i regret. In order to not be regretful too long im saying to myself stuff like “ he asked for it”. Since I’m pretty, i have a lot of friends (they feel more like acquaintances) i can see that they all put so much effort in getting along with me but for some reason i keep rejecting them. I honestly only love my parents and my sister.
Since I’m supposed to be perfect i try my best to met everyone expectations, isn’t it sufficient for them for letting me be? Are all my efforts useless because i have a bad personality?
I’m an ENTJ and according to the description it’s normal for an ENTJ to behave the way I am. But isn’t it too cruel ?! I don’t want to be a bitch, i want to be a supportive friend. OMG what should i do ?

Got a story? Submit it here!


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