Wednesday, 30 January 2019


I will be halting this account. I will not add anything, even if you weren't directly involved in that assault, didn't you mention yourself dozens of time? That you were running that business. There is no way that you weren't aware of it. Even if it happens that you didn't know it, I hope you put yourself in the position of the victim and think whether it's logical to not mention the representative of the company. You need to take responsibility over it, you must.

Even if you weren't directly involved in those events, your name is already associated and you are running the business, so to that extent, you have to take responsibility over it. It's actually so funny to see you not mentioning it only because you weren't the one who committed the assault itself. Isn't a representative supposed to take responsibilities over everything that runs in his business? If you're telling me that Seungri has no obligations, then by default, YG shouldn't be taking care of Seungri.
Don't think that your acquaintance should be the only one taking responsibilities over it. That person is obviously an issue too, but it doesn't mean that Seungri is faultless here. You really didn't know? So should we be pitying Seungri over that? If you try to defend him, it will only drag Seungri even lower. Stop with the shields

And this incident has nothing to do with whether TOP is better than him for only doing marijuana, what kind of nonesense?
Whether Seungri is or isn't the representative, his name is associated and isn't it just right for him to take responsibilities over it? Why is he suddenly stepping down as a representative right now, what does it change? There are so many articles about him mentioning he is the one in charge of that business already. But since you aren't the representative, I can understand that there's no feedback (T/n: this sentence might be sarcastic)

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 18:19 신고하기
She's a normal one, there are so many Bigbang fans on Pann who are "collecting PDFs" for YG, cut that crap already 

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 20:39 신고하기
He's eating and living thanks to his female fans, strangling a girl he had a one night stand in Japan, and now drugging at girl in his club and assaulting a man at the police station. He uses girls to drug them and use them as sex toys, it's so obvious that he treats them as a way to make money, of course people are quitting his fandom with that mentality of his. His fangirls should experience how it feels to be drugged and raped to understand, wake up alreadyㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 20:26 신고하기
If you're the victim, it makes no sense that you're told to not mention the representative, this is a wise saying..

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 21:18 신고하기
I can't believe that such a rational person was a Seungri fan all this time...

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 21:22 신고하기
I'm more shocked over the fact that Bigbang still has fans..;;

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.30 19:38 신고하기
I like Bigbang's songs, but as singers, there is just no way for me to like them


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