Wednesday, 2 January 2019


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She's just playing with her friends

But look at the comments
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"I don't understand her anymore"
"Why is she like that?"
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"She really looks like she's doing drugs"
"Sulli really looks like she's doing drugs nowadays. What a waste of her golden years"
"Wow what concept is this....?"

Sulli just took pictures of her daily life....

And in the end, she replied to a comment
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"Anyone knows why she's acting like that?"
Sulli: What about me?

original post: here

1. I just looked at the pictures she uploaded and uhm....

2. Uhm... I was curious so I looked through them.. but I think I know why you cropped the picture out

3. Seeing how she posted 10 pictures, I got curious and went on her Instagram but I understand why you would only crop the picture...ㅋㅋ

4. There won't be any other celebrities other than Sulli who care less about their image than herㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. Just looking at Sulli's Instagram, I know why they are saying this... I was shocked too

6. OP didn't upload the other pictures and cropped this one out

7. Why would you leave the other pictures out?

8. I thought "ah... what the?..." and looked at the pictures myself but I was even more shocked... they just look weird...;

9. Everyone would think that her pictures look weirdㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. But her pictures do look weird


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