Monday, 14 January 2019



t/n; the post is really lengthy, we'll translate the big lines

Usually, fandoms react well hearing news of a reality show, but Day6's fandom Myday have been building up complaints for the past years that JYP has been promoting them so they're using this situation to raise awareness

Ever since their debut, there was already anticipated friction between the fandom and the company

When they debuted, they were refrained from performing on music shows, instead, they performed in clubs at Hongdae and were sent to busking

For their 2nd album, they were finally able to perform on music shows, but only for 2 weeks
5 years into their debut, the longest they've promoted on music shows is 3 weeks
Last year, they released 2 albums and promoted 1 week each

The amount of variety shows they've attended since debut can be counted on fingers because there are so few

1. One of the member had to appeal to the production staff to become an MC on their program
2. The company's sunbae had to recommend him too
3. He sent his own recording file to the production company and became the MC
4. Weekly Idol, Wednesday Food Talk, etc. the majority of their guest appearance were the result of them contacting companies by themselves

People are maybe wondering if the members are resting when not promoting?

In 2017
170204/ 170205

They had 25 shows including a tour in the US and fan meetings

In 2018
180901/ 180908 / 180915

16 domestic concerts, fanmeeting, 7 Japanese concerts, 14 concerts overseas, 38 concerts overall
They had over 60 shows in 2 years

I know that JYP advertised them as being "an idol group who do concerts just like a band" but whenever they do concerts, they make them sell goods like idols, yet they treat them like a band and don't allow them to go on music shows.
JYP treats them like idols when it's time to make money, but when it's time to properly advertise their songs, they suddenly get treated like bands

They've also printed the wrong information countless times on their tickets
ex: For a concert in Busan, they printed out "Seoul" on it

The fan manager also had the nerve to do a physical check on fans attending the fansigns

(talking about the staff following her to the washroom and searching her up to see if she filmed the fansign event)

They also stole fan letters and laughed at fans

The fans were already planning something to light a fire and today, randomly, they announced a reality show

You have to pay 90 coins, so for an Iphone, that would be 20,000won
But this is the length of the episodes.. 

= Do you think I'm a fool????????

original post: here

1. What they receive as a gift for their 1 year debut... They're 5 members but have 3 burgers f*ck

2. Yup, yet, Day6 are still on the rise without JYP contributing to anything... JYP is so annoying

3. I really like Day6 and this is making me so sadㅠㅠ  I hope they get treated better ㅡㅡ

4. 90 coins? That's about 20,000won, this is too much, I hope this gets resolved

5. Bangtan's vacations reality show is 1 hour each and has 8 episodes, this is just too severeㅜㅜ

6. Do you think all they do are concerts? They were told that if they don't compose their songs, there's no debut. And even now, during their tours, all they're doing is composing and producing in between concerts. Someone even released an Insta story about them composing and saying how they had to prepare for the end of their tour soon but they wanted to get that one song done first... Even last year, they did Japanese songs, Korean songs and even OSTs and even had time to write a song for fans, those are hardworking kids

7. The reality show is a scam

8. Hul fans, find strength

9. I already found their situation so dumbfounding to start with, so I never decided to fangirl on them... I'd be too stressed out otherwiseㅠㅠ

10. Their fandom is bigger than I thought... I hope this gets enough exposure


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