Tuesday, 19 February 2019


original post: here

1. [+714, -15]
Where did he gain weight? He just looks the same. I feel like saying that he gained weight would be a lie

2. [+363, -6]
He needs to gain more weight, 5 kg more

3. [+279, -5]
It depends on the person, some people don't look good when they get skinnier. If they diet the wrong way, they just end up looking poor

4. [+186, -2]
Hearing about what Kang Eunbi said about him, how he treats the people around him nicely, seeing how he still worked hard at everything he's given even though he got tons of swears on MuDo and how he faithfully accomplished his army service, I find Kwanghee really likable. I hope that he walks on flower path from now on. I'm not a fan nor an anti but I view him positively. 

5. [+146, -1]
ㅋㅋㅋ He's eating ice cream to gian weight

6. [+34, 0]
Kwanghee-sshi, I think that you need to have a talk with your coordi again. Nowadays, everything he wears washes him off

7. [+24, 0]
He's still far from it. He needs to gain another 10 kg to look like a human. He just looks like a skeleton right now


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