Wednesday, 6 February 2019


Yeonjung from Holics got gold medal for female sprint competition
She worked hard and got a gold medal. She must have at least expected to appear for a few seconds but she got completely edited out.

original post: here

1. If she was first, they should've at least given her an interview

2. I was like "nugu?" and it turned out to be Holics... I watched their stage once and I liked 'Hey Leader' so I even downloaded the song and looked for their stage ㅠㅠ but.. even if you search up their name, you only get 'Love Holics'. I hope that more people knew about this group ㅜㅜ

3. IAC is seriously too much. They didn't even showed the group who got 1st properly on screen but they gave so much screen time to groups who didn't even run properly but who were super famous... they just went on a full power trip while taking up both the fans and the idols' time. Idols also keep on injuring themselves. Meanwhile, the kids who do well aren't even given an interview. Just what the heck are they doing? That's seriously to much, it's not like she didn't do well, she got gold medal

4. IAC is detestable, just cancel the program

5. I watched IAC and during the Red Velvet vs Twice for female archery, they almost didn't edit anything and just showed the whole match. While for Gfriend vs Gugudan, they only showed around a minute and edited out the restㅋㅋ there were 4 groups who did archery so at least show how groups got to the finals. They are so discriminatory against groups with less popularity. I just laughedㅋㅋ

6. They should've just invited the popular groups then. She probably thought that this was a good opportunity and did her best but it was all just fake hopes. The PDs are seriously detestable

7. "Opportunities for rookies" what bullsh*t...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. She must have been looking forward to this episode... it breaks my heart ㅠㅠ

9. Hul why...?????? So they only gave interviews to other medalists?

10. My bias also got gold medal but wasn't given an interviewㅋㅋㅋ they are f*ckers, I'm so happy that my bias didn't go on IAC this time <3


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