Monday, 4 March 2019


original post: here

1. Please bring me back 

2. I'm so mad over the fact that my health is getting worse nowadays 

3. I seriously hate summer so much, but I can't believe that I'm looking forward to it because of the yellow dust

4. I miss the clear sky seriously ㅠㅜ 

5. Wow seriously why is the air so bad now.. ㅠㅠㅠ

6. Can we go back to this? I miss it so much every time I see the blue sky overseas on TV ㅠㅠㅠ 

7. Ever since 2017, the yellow dust issue has become so severe I just want to swearㅠㅠ 

8. I still can't believe that we can't see the blue sky in March anymore...

9. Here's the progression of the yellow dust, everyone please wear masksㅠㅠㅠ 

10. Whenever I go out and come back, my hair is all coarse and my eyes are all irritated. Why are we the ones receiving the damage from it


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