Friday, 15 March 2019


Yoo Inseok: Yupㅋㅋㅋ
JJY: Yeahㅋㅋ Looks like an expensive XX (prostitute)
YIS: Yeah ㅋㅋㅋ
JJY: Okay you're coming now?
YIS: Yeah, I'll be there in 30 minutes
JJY: Hyung. Why is the gift not there ㅎㅎㅎ
JJY: Ah Berlin is so fun I played XX with the YY girlsㅋㅋ
LJH: ㅋㅋㅋㅋCrazy ㅋㅋㅋ
LJH: Did you sleep with them?
JJY: Yeah ㅋㅋ The girls are fine. There were lots of Romanian girls

original post: here

1. [+593, -4]
We need to reveal more of it, they're already over. I need to see Jang Jayeon's issue resolved this time

2. [+311, -2]
Those f*cker psychopaths... When he first appeared on SuperstarK back in the days, there was  Chinese woman who said that this f*cker was a total bad boy and released so much talks about him... He's born like that

3. [+258, -3]
Ah~~~ Now we only need the police to do their job, for the media to stop censoring, for Jang Jayeon and Burning Sun and YG to be resolved

4. [+168, -1]
When his parents appeared on 1N2D they were so proud of their son and they made it seem like they raised him so well? You call this a human? He's trash

5. [+150, -0]
He's literally addicted to sex at this point, he should be a mental patient. His head is empty, he can't think of anything else than this. He's living like an animal on heat


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