Tuesday, 12 March 2019


People complained about turning the genie, Will Smith, blue, so they removed the blue after all

original post: here

1. I seriously preferred the blue Will Smithㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. After I watched the trailer, I'm f*cking looking forward to itㅋㅋㅋㅋ?? I want to watch it quick

3. Jasmine looks like Min Hyorin

4. At least that monkey friend survived, he looks like Dexter ㅎㅎ

5. There were comments on that Pikachu trailer saying they were relieved there's no Will Smith ...ㅋㅋ

6. The trailer was fine?

7. Why is Aladin so handsome?????

8. F*ck Will Smith really doesn't suit the Genie

9. No but why did they do this to Genie.... It was my favorite animation movie, but this smells like a fail...

10. I find that Will Smith suits the Genie quite wellㅋㅋㅋㅋ But the blue was better


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