Tuesday, 30 April 2019


Park Yoochun recently confessed to additional charges. On the 10th, he was in tears during a press conference saying how he "never took drugs."

Finally, on the 26th, the Suwon District Court issued an arrest warrant for Park Yoochun saying "we are concerned that he is destroying evidence and trying to escape."

On the 29th, Park Yoochun admitted to his drug charges saying "I was scared to let myself down. I should admit to my charges and apologize."

Park Yoochun recently told lawyers "it is painful to see my family." And asked multiple times "What should I do to get out of prison as soon as possible?"

T/N: after we refreshed the page to update the votes, some comments have been deleted

original post: here

1. [+1,909, -200]
Park Yoochun can't go lower than this. Let's stop talking about him in the news already. 

2. [+3,240, -2325]
He should cut it off and just get treatment and live quietly as a commoner... journalists-yah, you don't have to go to that extent to drive someone to the corner like that... He shouldn't act rashly and just quietly receive his punishment. Leave him alone 

3. [+1,152, -39]
If he just said the truth, he could've escaped with a money penalty without physical confinement. He's pretty dumb

4. [+1,018, -548]
Park Yoochun... There are seriously so many actors who act like sh*t in our country, but his acting was good and he was also good at singing and writing songs. I liked him a lot but he wasn't able to manage himself well multiple times so it makes me sad to see him completely ruin himself like htis... It's hard to see a celebrity like him and this is such a waste of his youth... I hope that he gets treated and gets a second chance to life. I watch him with a parental love... ㅠ

5. [+786, -7]
Seriously, the important thing to point out is how easy it is to distribute drugs. I'm talking about the system of how drugs are made and how they are being smuggled.. Why are the policemen and prosecutors not conducting a proper investigation?? Just how far is this going to go? It's possible to arrest all these drug dealers, there are CCTVs all over the country but why do I feel like they keep trying to conceal everything? We're talking about drugs here. This is not the 1970's but 2019. Does this make sense to you?

6. [+730, -129]
Let's just leave him alone now. He's been stripped down naked. He's at the point where he can't even lie and no one is gonna protect him anymore. I just hope that reporters go after bigger issues now.


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