Sunday, 19 May 2019


한국사이버성폭력대응센터 등 18개 단체는 17일 오전 서울 종로구 서울지방경찰청 앞에서 기자회견을 열고 클럽 '버닝썬' 사건에 대한 경찰 수사 결과를 규탄하고 나섰다. 2019.5.17/뉴스1 © 뉴스1 박혜연 기자

Poster message: Press conference denouncing the results of the Burning Sun's investigation
 The police's luck ran out!
Police investigations have came to an end but women are revolting against the results o the investigation and came to a collective action.

Women have came together on the afternoon of the 19th to protest against rape and violence against women in front of the Blue House.

On the 25th of May, another protest will be held in Gangnam Kyobo Tower in Seoul from 3PM.

post response: +1,628
original post: here

1. [+5,543, -32]
Seungri's arrest got dismissed tsk tsk tsk
Just how high do his connections go? Nobody is able to arrest him.
We need to reveal all the relationships among politicians and all of those Burning Sun's VVIPs too

2. [+2,455, -35]
They've been investigating for months and he can't be arrested. That Chinese woman also can't be jailed. The police are investigating the police who are colluding... And you guys call this an investigation????? This is hilarious

3. [+1,632, -5]
This is seriously rotten to the deepest roots... The fact that this f*cker isn't jailed just shows how rotten this society is...

4. [+619, -4]
Just how high does his connections go?
Just how long since this scandal was initially broken?
Except for the fodder Jung Joonyoung, nobody is receiving proper punishment~
At his point, everything will just get hushed down and ended in an anti-climatic way
Are we going 30 years back?
The phrase "one law for the rich and one law for the poor" still remains
It looks like it will stay a truth forever~

5. [+381, -11]
Korea's rape cartel
Law makers
They are the bodyguards of the rape cartel


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