Wednesday, 8 May 2019


"I entered the company during their creation time so of course the people coming after me are going to be my hoobaes right? There was this hoobae who just would never greet me at all. But because I wanted to become close to that person, I initiated the greeting. But on some day, the CEO just came to me and said "How can you go first and greet them?""

"So I told the CEO "I actually greeted that person up to 3 times already. But that person never greeted me back. I don't think that person wants to get along with me. I thought that it would've been good if I got along with that friend?" But that person just kept on avoiding me. Actually, since we weren't close, I don't have a lot of memories of that person either. But my feelings were kind of hurt from then"

Other things she said
1. "When I was 16 years old, I was put to stay in a Japanese hotel with YG's artists who were my sunbaes at that time. I was still a minor back then, but they drank in front of me for the entire night and said to me "I wish you can grow up faster so you can come to the club with us"

2. "My unnie also tried auditioning for YG. Yang CEO told me "She's better than you, she's prettier than you too" and recruited her as a trainee as well. But as time passed, my unnie would greet the CEO but he would never reciprocate. Our mom pleaded the CEO to greet back, but the CEO said that he didn't know about it. After that, he greeted me back well, but he still kept on ignoring my unnie even though she greeted him loudly."

3. "They treat the rich parents who send their kids to become trainees differently. The parents would buy really expensive gifts to YG, and it was awfully obvious different. He would treat the kids who were in the same dorm better and would give them additional lessons/training. Even if you have talent, you just can't beat a wealthy background. YG would fill the trainees who are rich with everything, and seeing this, I thought that I couldn't be happy if this goes on. I know that I could've ended up being a 2NE1 member if I endured it a bit more, but I never regretted coming out of YG"

post response:
original post:here

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 10:47 신고하기
Rather than choosing kids with talent, isn't he choosing kids with money?ㄷㄷㄷ You can tell just with the fact that they're lipsyncing more and more now

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 12:40 신고하기
That's why they end up with those embezzlement kids..

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 10:50 신고하기
Hul so the sunbaes have to greet the hoobaes with are rich?

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 12:56 신고하기
Please blow this up into an issue ㅋㅋㅋ You just can feel the caste society they live in with Jennie's gobchang restaurant incident

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 15:57 신고하기
Jennie "Our company is YG alright~" B.I "Our company has a lot of money~" while both of them are coming from rich families..ㅎㅎ There's a reason they say stuff like that 

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.08 14:56 신고하기
So that's why kids who debuted on SuperStarK and that Jun Minjoo kid? none of them will ever see a chance of debuting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Then why do you even pick them in the first place

Here's the video

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