Thursday, 2 May 2019


Journalist accuses the media for plastering Park Yoochun's scandal everywhere when Burning Sun's scandal's scale is a lot bigger and the gate was opened since November last year.
The MDs and employees of the Burning Sun were later just transferred in another club and are still actively promoting their club on their SNS, recruiting people to join the club and looking for guests.
The journalist mentions that this reality is even more dumbfounding than movies and questions whether Seungri will even get charged in the end.

original post: here

1. [+249, -1]
What a damn good article, what a damn good journalist

2. [+121, -1]
Raise this to the main page

3. [+79, -0]
This should be on the main page, what a shame

4. [+67, -1]
The Minister of Justice Hwang Kyo-Ahn should've taken care of Kim Hak-Eui's statute of limitations at that time. Reveal the VIP room of Burning Sun.. Stop milking Park Yoochun, there's only that much you can cover. Who are on the list... Politicians son-in-law? Former presidents' sons? The 3rd and 4th generation of chaebol? 2nd generation of the media? ... Reveal the list

5. [+32, -0]
Let's go to the main~

6. [+14, -0]
Seungri has de facto power and it's a fact... However, no one is there to back up for Park Yoochun, so they keep on stripping him 


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