Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Mnet ProduceX101 directors have announced that they will check each company's trainee's lives meticulously.
JYP confirms "Yoon Seobin doesn't conform with the policy of the company so we have decided to end his training contract" although Yoon Seobin was picked as the #1.

original post: here

1. [+989, -3]
Even if they get lucky and debut, those stuff are bound to blow up in the future. Nowadays with the development of internet, everything can be revealed. 
  > But nowadays all the pictures of the idols smoking and drinking kept being postedㅋㅋㅋㅋ  But the fangirls are the ones burying themㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+422,-5]
Because of only you, we will see blood ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Good job, of course we need reorganization  We'll be able to catch other ones too  

3. [+282, -2]
If your past is dirty, it's all a question of time before you get exposed... Now that everyone knows, just surrender yourself and find another path

4. [+182, -48]
The issue is not about what's in the past... The issue is that you don't know what you've done wrong... If you would go as far as shed blood and work so hard to become a trainee, you should at least apologize to the people you hurt before. When you're young, you don't necessarily know what is right or wrong, and this is the parents' fault. I hope this incident will help him grow more mature

5. [+139, -18]
Just stop those kinds of program Mnet-ah

원본 이미지

original post: here

1. [+6,903, -37]
Imagine how exalted he was to join JYP and already seeing himself become a hallyu star, serves you rightㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+4,592, -31]
Bullying and tormenting kids, smoking, drinking, he did everything that was wrong... He just renamed himself as if nothing ever happened and came out on TV like that with a crown. He's not even cute and pretends to be all cute and try-hard wow goosebumps

3. [+3,520, -15]
He probably will contact his friends now that he's getting f*cking sworn at ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+3,026, -161]
That's the difference in management between the Big3. JYP = the company's ace trainee gets caught clubbing and infringing the company's rule, he gets dropped. Day6's member got into a controversy, he got dropped too. YG = debuting the members with the iljin rumors. And they're also going to debut that Japanese trainee who has a similar kind of rumors as the ex-Day6 trainee. SM = debuting the member who has the iljin rumors and scammed people... Looking at personality VS looking at talent.. We'll see who gets the most profit out of it at the end

5. [+1,539, -149]
This guy's real nameㅋㅋㅋ  He probably joked about Twice, ITZY and Suzy with his friends too ㅋㅋ Wasn't he always a thug??? Disgusting guyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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