Wednesday, 31 July 2019


Wow;; Is this really his first role as a lead as a rookie actor? Even I felt his anger and sadness. After that scene, he went to grab Ma Hwiyoung's collar ㅇ ㅇ
(The reason why Ma Hwiyoung got hit is because it reminded him of his friend Junghoo's death)
Everyone, please give it a watch!

post response:
original post: here

1. [+90, -5]
The viewers rating went up again from 3.393 to 4.466. His angry acting is currently creating a buzz. Ong Seongwu's acting is way better than I anticipated

2. [+87, -5]
His angry acting is the best and the fact that his drama git 4.5% is impressive ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+80, -4]
His friend Junghoo who was with him ever since he was young died and this was seriously a mentally challenging scene ㅠㅠ the scene when they were young and the last scene where Junghoo was smiling in his dream overlapped and it was so sad. Ong Seongwu's acting and ability to empathize are no joke..

4. [+54, -4]
I seriously didn't know that he would be this good. It's to the point where I forgot how he used to be as Wanna One's Ong Seongwu

5. [+39, -1]
I'm still so hurt by this scene that I can't upload a gif of it yet ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠThis was the last scene between Junwoo and Junghoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠhis mentality must have been crushed ㅠㅠㅠHe's not Ong Seongwu but Choi Junwoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+36, -1]
Ep. 4 was seriously a rollercoaster ride of emotions. 90% of it was light and lovey dovey but the last scene where Choi Junwoo got mad was so explosive and sad. Even I burst out crying. Rather than saying that Ong Seongwu is an idol turn actor, it's better to call him a rookie actor. How was the PD able to see that Seongwu would be able to pull off such a complex character? The PD said that he/she was expecting 50% but Ong Seongwu prepared 100%. I seriously felt it with this scene.

7. [+34, -1]
The angry scene's reactions are seriously good on other community sites and on Naver Cast


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