Sunday, 11 August 2019


To be honest, instead of describing our 3rd year of high school as being our "19 y.o", there are more people describing it as the time being "test-takers".
This is our last year of being a teenager and we spend it in libraries, getting stressed and anxious.
This exam just fills up all my teenage years and the sad thing is that I don't have anything special
There's nothing else I can do than to study which makes me even sadder ㅠㅠ
If I could go back to my middle-school years, I would've either study even harder with all my might or just play as much as I could...
High schoolers of Korea, fighting..

"- Even so, time doesn't stop
- No matter how sad or painful it gets
- You have no other choice than to continue to live"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+129, -11]
I think I understand why 3rd year high schoolers commit suicide. The reality is too cruel compared to the amount of effort you put into it

2. [+62, -1]

3. [+59, 0]
I hope that our youth understand that there are several paths you can take in life. Our society turns people who are not good at studying and who can't get into an university into trash but it's impossible for people to succeed only in one field. If you put everything you have in only one path, and that it doesn't turn out well, you will think that all your life depended on it and you might even want to end your life. But even so, if you find something that you're good at or that you like, you will find a reason to keep on living..

4. [+51, 0]
Our 17, 18, 19th years are supposed to be years where we shine bright but instead, we are always enclosed in schools or academies. There are a lot of things that I want to do but can't even do. No matter how people say that we still got our 20's and that our 20's is also considered our youth, you can't go back to your teens anymore. It's so sad that we have to spend the last years of our teens like this ㅠㅠ

5. [+37, 0]
Let's go at once. It's hot but find strength. We are Korea's future!!


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