Thursday, 15 August 2019


F*ck isn't this completely insane? They just grabbed a random girl passing by and started touching her this is freaking f*cked up, they're even threatening the citizens with guns too;; Right now they banned landing and flying out from Hong Kong and the internet at the airport has been cut, aren't they trying to completely isolate the issue;;;;;; And idols of our country are suddenly seen supporting the Hong Kong police too;; You can clearly see that this directly comes from Chinese government's order. This really reminds me of Gwangju democratization movement, seriously I really hope that no one gets hurtㅠㅜㅜ  There's also someone who lost their sight because she was shot in the eye and you're telling me we're living in the 21st century?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+42, -2]
Ah... This is seriouslyㅠㅠ  Which century are we living in..

2. [+39, -0]
I saw the video and you can see how they dragged the girl to the floor and he even had a rod on the other hand?? He held one of her hand up and he was f*cking pressing against her breast with his other hand, he was f*cking ready to touch her breasts that f*cker

3. [+38, -2]
Those f*cking ch*nks idols should just screw off to their own countries, they're f*cking receiving the support in our country so they're not going back to China right, okay~ 

4. [+28, -63]
Doesn't Hong Kong have more women rights than our country? This is shocking 

5. [+25, -0]
Us too, during our democratization movement, people were getting sexually tortured and assaulted, at that time, this was all buried away and hidden, because there was no internet back then so no one knows a damn thing about it now

6. [+21, -0]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just stop it with the "China is forcing the idols to support the Hong Kong police", so what does it make Chow Yun-fat ssi and the people supporting Hong Kong protesters? I get so uncomfortable seeing comments like "our celebrities are fighting so hard for the society"


Wang Jackson who was a proud Hongkonger using the HK hat and flag

Hong Kong's national number is 852
and he even had this in his goods

but right now

"China money is freaking fun ^^"

He got ch*nked 

Ah seriously does he not think back of the times he was a representative of Hong Kong and became a was a professional fencer while wearing the Hong Kong flag?

Including all those idols who rose the Chinese flag, I'm so disappointed in Jackson...

post response:
original post: here

 1. [+122, -5]
I get so disgusted by people being all "It's because he's thinking about his family in Chinaㅠㅠ "ㅋㅋㅋ  So do Hongkongers not think about their own family when they go out to protest and go against the social peace? Is Jackson the only one here who has a family?  No but I get the fact that Jackson needs to earn his money, but does he not even oppose a bit to what China is doing right now... What would hurt him if he just decided to stay quiet? Why is he just here sitting and supporting those murderous acts?

2. [+100, -2]
I don't know if it's because I'm a sports fanatic, but he worked all the way up to become a "national representative" yet he's there betraying his country, it's just making me so mad

3. [+73, -17]
Bye Bye Got7

4. [+41 ,-0]
If you were to promote with your HK pride, you should've never released that post

5. [+35, -0]
The Hongkongers protesting and fighting for their lives are having it much scarier than those celebrities right now, so what the f*ck are the people shielding him about saying that "he cannot help but do it"?... It's not like China will drag him everywhere, he only does it because he won't get paid otherwise, that's his own decision to put that post up;  that's no different from those pro-Japanese promoting in our country


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