Friday, 30 August 2019

[enter-talk] YANG HYUNSUK TODAY ㄷㄷㄷ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+291, -2]
His impression is seriously dirty...

2. [+228, -1]
Both of them are f*cking rotten

3. [+215, -2]
Who knew that this drug mart was once the #1 company of our country KK no one would've known that it would turn out like this. I thought that they'd just keep on committing crimes without ever getting caught

4. [+59, 0]
Did he really reflect? He didn't even lose weight and looks f*cking fat

5. [+58, 0]
I got startled while scrolling down

6. [+46, 0]
Doesn't Yang Hyunsuk kinda looks like a good-for-nothing though..?

7. [+44, 0]
It's my first time seeing him without his hat ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F*cking dirty


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