Thursday, 22 August 2019


t/n: Ahn Jaehyun said in a previous article he would "expose" her in his Katalk conversation with her

Goo Hyesun: I don't use Katalk~ Don't prepare things uselessly. Traitor

original post: here

1. Fighting to Goo Hyesun, her feedbacks are always fast

2. Stop using IG ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. No but why do people always think that Goo Hyesun is the one getting hurt here?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  She just looks f*cking pissed

4. I do feel bad for Goo Hyesun, but is there really a need for her to rush so much after every article? I know she's having it hard, but she needs to stay level headed on this issue

5. The more she talks, the more I can imagine just how much she suffered  Goo Hyesun fighting

6. I just hope both of them stop using IG ㅋㅋㅋ 

7. I don't think I would be able to contain myself if I were her either. Just imagine if your close friend went under a divorce

8. She's seriously so childishㅋㅋㅋ

9. Goo Hyesun doesn't even have a company anymore, you guys are too much telling her not to even use her IG, just shut up if you don't want to look like a fool

10. Why are you guys calling Goo Hyesun childish and asking her if she's really hurt? She's just doing everything she can with what she has


original post: here

1. [+22,348, -2,278]
Goo Hyesun is doing the right thingㅋㅋㅋ  Goo Hyesun fighting I support you

2. [+16,146, -1,024]
I just can't imagine how much she suffered to end up like thatㅠㅠ  My heart hurts so much. Do you really think that's all Ahn Jaehyun told her? Just imagine how much he hurt her all this time. Even if we don't see it, it's just obvious. If I were her and saw those articles, I wouldn't be able to stay still either

3. [+15,037, -684]
Think carefully about Goo Hyesun saying she wanted to protect her family, how she wanted to keep her marriage and keep everything smooth. She said that even when she was already beaten to the ground and had nothing left to her. I can't even fathom how it must've been to be a woman when she was at the ground, with no more self-esteem. Even if it were me and the whole world is pointing fingers at me, I wouldn't be able to bare with the thought of this f*cker living well after this. He's going to get everything stripped away from him

4. [+9,884, -355]
"Just get over it~" "You're a public figure~" "There must be a reason for him to fight~" "The company isn't even making a fuss~" If she decided to stay still, she would've been the one who would end up looking like the weirdo, so will she be able to stay still?

5. [+9,056, -543]
If you looked at Ahn Jaehyun's post, he makes it sound like he's trying to cover up for her and that she's the weird one. This bast*rd has done everything wrong to the wife he once loved, he's the type who would pretend he never did anything wrong even if he's at faultㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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