Monday, 9 September 2019


Kwon Minah - She left FNC in 2019 and didn't renew with the company. She joined ON Entertainment and is planning to promote as an actress

Park Choa - She left in 2017 and posted in 1 year a thank you post on her Instagram for her subway ad. There are no other updates about her and there hasn't been any witness account of her either

Seo Yukyung - she left in 2016 and went to study drums in a drum academy. She's majoring in drums at her university and is also uploading drum covers on YouTube. She became the drummer for the indie band P.AZIT

post response:
original post: here

1. [+207, -8]
People are cursing at Choa so easily. It's true that her withdrawal was detrimental to the team but it's not like she left and promoted vigorously like the other members. She stayed quiet for 2 years now. It must have been so hard for her to live under the public eye back then. It's better for her to get out instead of forcing herself to stay in the group and cause a scandal because of that.

2. [+185, -3]
I really wonder what Choa is doing

3. [+106, -60]
I'm reading the comments and when Choa left, Jimin was the leader. She said that "unnie said that we could go on variety shows and whatnot but since our members Yuna, Hyejung and Chanmi still need time to adjust, we just wait. She kept on insisting like that." After Choa disappeared, she just announced her retirement. I get that Choa has her own hardships, but if you think about the other members, she doesn't look that good either.

4. [+88, -9]
I don't think that Choa left just because of a man..

5. [+75, -85]
But in the end, didn't Choa leave them for a man? I pity the rest of the AOA members. She was the main vocal so even if the remaining members do better, I don't think that they can earn a lot of money

6. [+70, -2]
Minah left too? I didn't even know


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