Saturday, 14 September 2019

[enter-talk] LOOK AT SANA'S FOREARM...

She seriously doesn't have 1 ounce of fat...

post response:
original post: here

1. [+67, -5]
The line of her arms are seriously pretty. Is it because she has no excess fat? ㅠ

2. [+53, -1]
I have fat on my forearm and under my armpits so I'm seriously jealous of her

3. [+42, -9]
Hul she's too skinny

4. [+29, -2]
Not just her arms, the whole line of her body is pretty.. she's slim but also glamorous. She also has long legs and nice proportions..

5. [+29, -2]
It's random but Sana's shoulders are pretty too.. it's so angular. As for me, I just look like a clothes' hanger ㅠ I envy angular shoulders so much

6. [+25, -3]
But somehow, Sana is prettily skinny. she's not just skin and bones


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