Monday, 11 November 2019


Right now, people on Twitter and Instagram are going crazy over the 2 Kai's

Kai's first teaser was uploaded on Exo's official account

This is the Kai we're used to see right?

But this time, the concept is EXO going against their own clones
So the copy 'EX''s Kai was born


And then they continued uploading pictures of the Kai we knew

and EX Kai appeared again too

People are Twitter are fighting over which Kai is more popular by their number of RTs

post response:
original post: here

1. [+215, -5]
After seeing a few pictures, the real one looks strong. You can feel a sense of ease. The fake one is f*cking pitiful looking, he pretends to be strong but has a weak mentality

2. [+191, -3]
Look at Kai pulling off that dual concept. He's solidly pulling them off. He dances super well but seeing his ability to pull off any concept is also a skill. He always seemed to be the emblematic center of EXO to me

3. [+172, -11]
Think about it. From the fake's point of view, he's probably thinking that he's also human but because the other Kai is real, he's the fake one and is always getting overshadowed. He can't get out of this world and will forever just be a clone so he can't help but to revolt

4. [+77, 0]
I like both but they said that they will only reveal the winning side so I had to back down and remove my RT for EXO Kai ㅠㅠ sniff ㅠㅠI'm so sad...

5. [+70, -1]
Yah if the real Kai meets the fake Kai, he'll cry ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+59, -1]
I don't know, I like both


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