Monday, 18 November 2019


Image result for scoups
(pic not included)

Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment. We are writing to inform you about the state of SEVENTEEN member S.Coups’ health.

After experiencing symptoms of psychological anxiety, S.Coups recently received a clear diagnosis and has been undergoing careful examination in various areas. The result was that he needed a break and some stability, so after discussions with S.Coups and the SEVENTEEN members, it was decided that he will temporarily be taking a hiatus from activities.

We are sorry for worrying fans who love SEVENTEEN with this sudden news. Our first priority is to support S.Coups’ return to health and to make sure of our artists’ health and protection in general.

We ask that you refrain from jumping to conclusions or causing misunderstandings about S.Coups’ health or his return to activities. We will make official statements about both in due time.

Thank you.

CR: Soompi

original post: here

1. Seungcheol-ah, rest a lot

2. Aigoo ㅜ

3. Seungcheol-ah, I love you, rest well

4. There are so many idols in this kind of situation. It's so sad. I hope he rests well and returns healthily!

5. Seungcheol-ah, don't mind about anything and just rest well!! Take all the time you need!

6. I can't believe this... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. Looks like Pledis is letting him rest, he needs it

8. It breaks my heart

9. Hul.. ㅜㅜI found S.coups likable since my friend is a fan of him ㅜㅜRest well

10. What's happening.. ㅠㅠ


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