Saturday, 28 December 2019

[enter-talk] JIN... WORE GLASSES?


post response:
original post: here

1. [+248, -4]
Our Seokjinie~

2. [+170, -5]
He's trending worlwideㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+164, -3]
Just god...

4. [+65, 0]
His wink scene didn't make it to the broadcast ㅋ

5. [+52, 0]
I seriously have no interest in idols but there was nothing else to watch yesterday so I watched Bangtan's stage at the end and I fell for Jin and V right awayㅋㅋ it felt like I was swept away.. crazyㅋㅋ  did I join the fandom? I must be crazy....


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