Wednesday, 1 January 2020

[enter-talk] BUT DISPATCH AND YG

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Dispatch really seems to hate YG. When it comes to other companies, except for when their interests are at stake, they either sometimes are close, or sometimes not, but it's never to the point of hate. But they really seem to hate YG

post response:
original post: here
1. [+221, -10]
Isn't it because they know way more than the terrible things that we already know?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+180, -14]
It's because YG are doing detestable things

3. [+158, -11]
Everyone hates them except the drug mart's fans

4. [+45, 0]
Ever since the beginning, YG has never treated Dispatch well so they already hated themㅋㅋ YG is just barbaric and so is Dispatch. So after the Burning Sun incident broke out, it was just a barbarian catching another barbarian

5. [+44, -16]
Neither of them want to submit to another, that's why they hate each otherㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Dispatch thinks that they are the big stuffs so they go take pictures of celebrities' private lives and are leading the big companies by the nose. But YG never cared about dating scandals so they are not submitting to Dispatch, that's why Dispatch hates YG

6. [+38, -4]
ㅋㅋ anyone would think that Dispatch is doing some good work here


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