Thursday, 20 February 2020


Yoojung: Whenever I'm ordering food, I always ask the delivery store to draw a bear for me... It's the first time they actually drew something..
Thank you.. TT <3
Sorry for being annoying TT TT

Delivery guy: I did my best <3 <3

Not only applying specifically to Choi Yoojung but to everyone who ask stuff like that

You're being an eyesore - vote up
It's not an eyesore but cute - vote down

post response:
original post: here

1. [+362, -24]
It's a real eyesore if she complains later asking why they didn't draw, but if she let it pass it's fine

2. [+327, -37]
I don't have much thoughts on this

3. [+280, -6]
I don't know whether she'll store those but if she's just going to throw away... Why would she do it...?? I can understand if she tips them for the drawings
"Ah my friend works part time at Lotteria and she got asked to draw a cat"
"LOL the cat looks like such a b*tch TT" 

4. [+277, -6]
I can't understand... This isn't a service that they give to customers. And she's not doing this to tip them either. It feels similar to people who would make their employees order coffee, peel their fruits and clean their space. It's not a hard thing, but it's not what you're paid to do yet you're asked to do it. It can be viewed as just a joke. I know that Choi Yoojung isn't doing this with bad intentions but depending on different people and situations, you can ruin someone's mood

5. [+246, -5]
I'm sure she posted this story thinking everyone would react with "ogu Yoojung is so cute"

6. [+202, -4]
Why is she even asking people to draw?


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