Sunday, 16 February 2020


Usually in order to not view themselves in a negative way, people will tell themselves to =just laugh and that they'll eventually feel good whether they're depressed or having a hard time. Do you agree that you shouldn't make it obvious if you're not feeling good??

post response:
original post: here

1. [+181, -1]
The thing is people would use my weakness against me and will either hurt me with it or I will inconvenience other, but aside of that, I will not say anything either. I have depression and I'm receiving treatment for it, I already thought of revealing this to others, but I feel like it makes our relationship harder, there's no time to reveal you have depression, your feelings will just change about each other so it's better to just hide it. If I'm able to hide it, I'll just do it, otherwise the moment people think that I reveal my depression with some intentions behind it, it will make me feel even more like trash. But I really wish that my friends wouldn't think that I'm having depression to depress other people who are already depressed

2. [+139, -23]
Yup, I was depressed when I was in middle school 1st grade and whenever I felt depressed, I would break up with my lover, cry, and not eat for the entire day to the point it would annoy me to be depressed

3. [+120, -1]
Yup, that's what we should do. The best way is to pretend everything is ok and not make it obvious

4. [+73, -0]
Usually, people who don't have depression wouldn't understand those feelings. That's why they would say stuff like "Just stay home~"

5. [+52, -0]
My friend made it so f*cking obvious that she was having a hard time in the past? Everyday, she would talk about it without missing an occasion... F*ck she was even sending me Facebook messages every weekend and talked about it f*ck if I didn't answer her, it felt like she was going to make some extreme choices so I would comfort her, and I had to do this for 1 year straight. I'm not even lying when I say I did it every day for 365 days and it affected me eventually and I felt like I would start developing depression because of her I'm so f*cking annoyed.... If you're having it hard just keep it at a minimum

6. [+37, -1]
Rather than people knowing your weakness, it's more about how depressed people would complain all the time about being depressed to people around and eventually influence others to feel depressed too


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