Sunday, 22 March 2020

[enter-talk] LOOK AT ITZY'S OUTFITS TODAY;;;;;;;;

Is the coordi getting paid for this? It's my first time seeing such in-cohesive outfitsㅋㅋㅋ

post response:
original post: here
1. [+26, -2]
Their clothes are seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ no matter what they wear, they just look cheap

2. [+24, -2]
It's just a fact that their MV outfits and other outfits suck. Look at the shield

3. [+21, -1]
F*ck, what's up with Lia's pants...

4. [+17, 0]
I'm a MIDZY and even I find their outfits awful and countrified. The outfits are not pretty at all and are just funny. The outfit you posted is actually ok. I hope that they stop making the kids wear revealing outfits... they purposely cut their clothes and make them wearing even shorter hot pants or things that are open chested. Even time they sit, their legs are bare... every day, the male communities would upload their gifs and go crazy... I don't know about the other things but if they wear hot pants, I wished that they would at least wear safety shorts like other groups... And I hope they would wear tops with less revealing cleavage.. Seriously, it's not like I only see this once or twice a day. I'm going crazy

5. [+14, -1]
These are the outfits from their MV that are supposed to suit their own conceptㅇㅇ I'm someone who watched the MV and I recognized it right away

6. [+6, 0]
What's up with their outfits?


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