Sunday, 8 March 2020


... makes clothes look better on you no?
If you have a big chest, it sticks to the clothes so hoodies and sweaters can end up making you look stuffy
I'm not trying to convince myself that smaller chest is betterㅇㅇ anyways, I'm not

(Bursting into tears from the sadness once again...)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+333, -8]
ㅇㅇ but the same way around, body-con knits or dresses look better if you have a big chest

2. [+214, -2]
I just like normal-sized chests. It's not too big nor too flat either

3. [+126, -14]
Don't cry, just talk to me

4. [+94, -1]
But if you're totally flat, the clothes would look weird too... it's true that if your chest is too big, the clothes will end up making you look stuffy but clothes look rather pretty if you're a B or C cup.. Personally, I find clothes look the best if you're A or B cup

5. [+70, 0]
But aren't kids with small chest usually the ones who will never gain weight no matter what? Their waist, legs and other parts are all skinny

6. [+63, -3]
It's rare but people who are skinny and who have a big chest have a f*cking nice clothes-fit..


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