Wednesday, 29 April 2020


"Toxic use of metal
Individual suicide attempt
Date of hospitalization: February 12th 2020"

NCT Taeyong fans found the home address, work address and personal information of the person (A) who helped the victim spread the news to the public (it was a student in Taeyong's class), and revealed all his information. They used the fact that A was a victim of sexual assault to harass A, leading A to attempt suicide in February. 

A released a post today saying that they were in too much agony 
A begged to stopped spreading rumors and told Taeyong fans to cut it down 

A claims that Taeyong consistently disregarded apologizing, but it was the reporter who set up the meeting. The victim went to the meeting believing that it was a 1:1 meeting
But there were 5 representative from SM, a lawyer and Taeyong who went to look for the victim... Seriously that's just so much goosebumps.. This is also why the victim wasn't able to meddle with the affair directly themselves.. 

"First of all,  he's the first one who released articles claiming he apologized for all 3 things and that I didn't inflate anything I claimed. I couldn't say anything but after the 3rd report, the company suddenly contacted me and we agreed to meet halfway and grabbed an appointment. I agreed to not say anything and not mention anything about him until the appointed date. 
They claimed that he went to all the victims to apologize to the victims, but I cannot validate that. I only know that myself, the victim whom he bashed her looks for, 5 of SM's representatives, a journalist and a lawyer? All met together with Taeyong. The people who didn't even validate whether I inflated my words were the same ones attacking my post.. 
Furthermore, my friend who was the victim ended up in a situation where she couldn't even say anything and couldn't even clarify her position, so I couldn't help but do it myself. If what I said wasn't true, why would he acknowledge it and apologize?" 

"They brought a lawyer with him to talk, they never met separately after. The victim and A couldn't find a way to contact SM by themselves so the journalist is the one who set everything up, so the journalist was also there. A and the victim only knew that the journalist would be there, but when they arrived, they found that SM's representatives and a lawyer were also there"

"Yesterday, I had a conversation with the victim... We're still working our hardest"

A talking with the victim

Comment: Did he seriously apologize..? 
A: To be honest, whether Lee Taeyong apologized sincerely is something that only me and the victim are aware of. If I have to say more about it it would only harm my victim friend more, and even me, so I'm sorry if I can't say more about it TT TT What I can confirm is that right now, my victim friend is hurting a lot.. 

"Every time my friend sees Lee Taeyong's content on the internet, she's just so frustrated ha TT TT
Seriously why is everyone lying in their clarifications?" 

+ Right now even the informant A has became a victim

"A couple of months have passed and lawsuits for severe malicious comments are in progress... but is everyone on Nate Pann like this? Lee Tae Yong met the victim and acknowledged all three incidents and apologized, but no one even believes that and keeps saying that I am the perpetrator. That comment is a recent one too and that person even met Lee Tae Yong with me. I'm suffering a lot because of the investigation and still... why are you still trying to discredit me? The people saying I'm fake are so much worse so why? I had to change my name and phone number because I'm a sexual assault victim... and I have to ask people not to rob me. But that's seen as raking in pity? I'm having a hard time so this might not seem legitimate. I'm sorry. No matter what I say I get cursed at now."

"Taeyong acknowledges every claims about his past controversies and apologized"

"NCT Taeyong, school violence and subsequently degrading sexual minorities --> Directly apologizes to victim"

Comment: OP-ah I seriously support you 
A: I didn't know that this would open the gates of hell for me. Lee Taeyong and even his agency both acknowledged it, but why are they (fans) not acknowledging it? I can't understand..

Comment2: Ah I'm upset TT TT OP I'm supporting you T.T
A: Each one of them (fans) really has no ability to relate to others, what should I do? I'm so fed up and my friend who's the victim reading this would be so hurt..

Now I can really understand why A claims they can't say whether they think Taeyong apologized sincerely.. Because his lawyer forced them to forgive him

"I saw this person's post and the victim never said she wanted A to stop making posts about it. She only said she was having a harder time seeing Taeyong promoting" 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+447, -25]
Why are people saying "don't feed the trolls" on this post? If this is true, isn't this insane? Please stop fangirling on a school violence perpetrator

2. [+382, -26]
I saw this person's post and the victim never said she wanted A to stop making posts about it. She only said she was having a harder time seeing Taeyong promoting

3. [+326, -27]
Both Lee Taeyong and his fans have committed murder attempt

4. [+138, -27]
Taeyong's side even forced the victim to accept his apology.. ㅎ..

5. [+129, -7]
His fans are the 2nd wave of assailants

6. [+92, -6]
Please add the part where they didn't even know that the lawyer would be there when they went to meet with the victim ^^

7. [+85, -5]
I understand that the title of this post is provocative but there's nothing wrong with the content of this post. The fans shouldn't try to shut this down

8. [+84, -5]
So people are saying that this is a troll post? If this is true, I don't think they are trolling

9. [+72, -5]
Me too I'm a victim of school violence and the assailant is a Insta celeb now ㅋ seriously, every time I see them on my feed, it reminds me of my time back then and my hands just start to shake. I bet that the victim feels the same. Let alone the fact that he's from such a big company..... I really hope that he gets his karma back. Both Taeyong and his fans.


original post: here

1. This is between Taeyong and the victim so there's no place for others to butt in so are the fans for real? What are they doing to the victim??

2. Seriously, is fangirling about embracing and shielding everything your bias do and harming others? You should at least have some discernment

3. He was already in the wrong even before debuting and the fans who are harming the victims a second time are not in their right minds either

4. Hul f*ck

5. It's insane thinking that they are assailing the victim a second time. Stop harassing the victim and apologize again

6. Taeyong's fandom who's perpetuating Taeyong's mess... *shaking my head* as expected, fans who are fangirling over a bully can't be in their right minds

7. Hul this is crazy

8. So why isn't he leaving the group? Do they want to see him bring all the group down?

9. Seriously, these people are impressive in so many ways....

10. Like singer like fans tsk tsk

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