Friday, 3 April 2020


Zico already said in his songs lyrics that he didn't watch such videos and said that he swore to God that it wasn't itㅋㅋ  And he mentioned the golden phone, because the phone numbers broke many records so he called it the golden phone so I don't know why people are still swearing at him, other celebrities were revealed yet you think that they would purposefully not reveal Zico as one of them? Seriously I can't understand Pann girls, you guys are just pissed off because Any Song is doing better than your bias song, and even Yoo Jaesuk promoted Any Song. Pann girls really live in their own world~

post response:
original post: here

1. [+134, -45]
Even the journalists who used to gather information about Burning Sun are doing the Any Song challengeㅋㅋ Instead of swearing at Zico and grab his hair, why don't you spend that hate on Seungri and Jung Joonyoung instead?? They're just sleeping comfortably right now

2. [+126, -95]
If you look at it, they've already investigated Zico and there are way more important figures than Zico who got caught so why wouldn't they be able to grab Zico if he was really in it

3. [+69, -25] 
Look at the upvotes and downvotes of the postㅋㅋㅋ Haters have nothing to say so all they can do is thisㅋㅋㅋ
(post talking about how Zico cleaned his image by using trendy artists to demonstrate that he's still an "inssa" (popular kid) and he's starting a challenge so that commoners looking at him will think "he's the guy who did the challenge" rather than the guy associated with the golden phone, the post claims that he's quite smart for thinking about this)

4. [+66, -53]
You guys can't use your heads better...? No but you guys are so crazy over men that you're just losing it... Why would he read phone numbers intensively for hours in the golden phone? Does he have a phone numbers fetish?  No but that Jung f*cking trash criminal probably has over 300K phone numbers in his phone 

5. [+51, -7]
You guys need to be sued to wake upㅋㅋㅋ I'm another group's fan and I feel so bad that he's getting dissed ㅠㅠ


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