Monday, 13 April 2020


Title of the video: Hello, this is Haneul...

I think that she's monitoring her YT comments. All of the comments are saying "don't leave hateful comments, unnie I really miss you, it's ok to make mistakes when you were immature, nobody is perfect, pay for your crime a little bit and come back and find strength ㅜㅜ, you lost so much weight, why are you guys making a fuss when you weren't involved?" etc, etc... Seriously, I got nauseous reading the comments. If you guys were the victims of what Haneul did, would you be able to say something like that? To the f*ckers who said that everything was a mistake, so being violent at school was a mistake, stealing money from her friends was a mistake, her used car accident was a mistake, and her hitting her employee's head with a pen was also a mistake? It makes me wonder if people who are justifying her mistakes really human.

She should get all the karma back right now, self-reflect and be haunted by her guilt for the rest of her life. Coming back on YouTube? I can only laugh

post response:
original post: here
1. [+70, 0]
Ah somehow seeing her do this and thinking about how she's gonna upload a few videos in the future already makes me mad. If she's sorry, I wish that she wouldn't come back on YouTube

2. [+56, 0]
Asking for forgiveness would've been enough. There are lots of comments asking her to do something more too, but to be honest, if this controversy never blew up, Haneul would've never thought twice about her victims and would've lived a good life. She had never thought of apologizing prior to the incident no?... If the victims read her YouTube comments, their soul would be crushed...

3. [+32, 0]
Huh? But seeing the comments now, everyone is just saying none sense thingsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+14, 0]
These commenters must be chodings....

5. [+12, 0]
Wow, she still has 740K subscribers now?? tsk tsk...

Video here:


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