Sunday, 5 April 2020


Screen cap 1: Putting on makeup
Screen cap 2: Uhm uhm, getting pretty
She's only born in 2013;;; Seriously, isn't this insane?? This is too shocking

post response:
original post: here

1. [+80, 0]
It's because the young kids can access YouTube and SNS so easily that they turn out like that ㅠ what to so?

2. [+80, -1]
Wow she's only in her first year of elementary school right now... she was only 7 y.o a few months ago. What is she saying... People should say nice things to her to build up her confidence instead. Does it make sense that a kid of her age is talking about diet?

3. [+43, 0]
Hul is that really Sooah?...

4.[ +36, 0]
If moms can allow their kids to wear makeup and tell the young Daebakie to lose weight, then I bet that they told Sooah to lose weight. This is not the little kids' fault. It's not too late for parents to start raising their kids properly

5. [+34, 0]
Shouldn't her mom who told her to put on makeup to look pretty and to lose weight be stopped a little? She's so contradictory. Putting on makeup at that age would just ruin her skin

6. [+25, 0]
No but is the person who edited and uploaded this video in his/her right mind?


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