Sunday, 10 May 2020


original post: here

1. Yah what a good news right off the morning!!!!

2. Wow what a relief

3. 👏👏👏

4. Reveal himmmm

4. Reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal

5. Reveal his face

6. He claimed that they wouldn't catch him until he dies, this is such a good sight!

7. I hope the judicial branch realizes how heavy of a crime he committed and gives him a sentence that is as strong seriously

8. I know he just got arrested, but why do I not expect him to get a sentence worth what he did

9. Reveal his personal information

10. What's the meaning of just getting arrested? You better give him a harsh sentence otherwise these crimes will just increase

11. This is a good news, but I will be so pissed off if he gets less than 1 year of prison, why is our law so weak

12. A f*cker who can't even be compared to an animal, just die

13. Kyah this is seriously refreshing

14. Good good good, just imagine how ugly he is

15. Wow seriously I wanted him to be caught so bad, they really caught him. This is such a good news right on Monday


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