Thursday, 11 June 2020


Tzuyu seems worse than yesterday, meanwhile it's clear that Momo wanted to be better than she was yesterday, but only her voice got louderㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Listen from 1:36

post response:
original post: here

1. [+51, -3]
They seriously just don't know how to sing.. Everyone's eyes are on them, but they're just muttering their dancing and singing and it's just such a mood killer;;  I feel like they would be less embarrassed if they can just let go of their mic cooly and dance energetically instead

2. [+35, -4]
They're seriously too much;; I like Twice, but this is too severe. How can they be singers if they can't even find the pitch? Even when they're standing still, they're off tune.. And it looks like they know themselves that they can't sing so they're just laughingㅋㅋㅋ  It's not even a hard song and there's no high notes in it yet all their pitches were off. That's seriously oba;;

3. [+34, -4]
I just saw it and I can acknowledge that they're trying hard, but they're just "trying hard"

4. [+28, -0]
They were always like thatㅋㅋㅋ During their encores, they never sang, and they were either eating water melons during their #1 or they were kissing their trophy one by oneㅋㅋㅋ Instead of using their head for tricks like that they should be spending this energy practicing singing ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+20, -2]
It was already risky the moment they took over the mics and when they sing, it's so clear that they're thinking "I don't have any confidence..." and I feel bad for them, but they brought it upon themselves

6. [+18, -0]
But I don't pity them one bit. Do you guys know how high the ransom is for singers to get #1? They've won #1 how many times alreadyㅋㅋ  They attend one event or one concert and they can already earn thousands of dollars... Do you think it makes any sense for singers to not know how to sing.. They brought it upon themselves, so I don't pity them at all. Their lives are so unstable and they look so unapologetic about it, it's just a complete comedy

7. [+18, -0]
Are they really singers? F*ck 

8. [+13, -1]
The singers who had to step down because they didn't win #1 must be so annoyed.. Jeongyeon and Jihyo were quite stable but the rest aren't even funny at this pointㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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