Friday, 12 June 2020


You f*ckers who never kissed before, don't pretend to know and comment. Only kids who have kissed should comment. Do your lipstick get smudged? What's the feeling?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+516, -177]
(Let's upvote here for the people who have experienced kissing assuming that this was your first kiss) He's bad at kissing but you guys had a romantic first kiss vs he's f*cking good at kissing and he was able to train his tongue with a lot of other girls here and there

2. [+275, -6]
If there's sexual tension, just touching your skin together feels nice... but when there's no sexual tension, there's no such thing as feeling good when you guys are touching no? Kissing is the same... if you do it with someone you like and who makes your heart flutter, it's just nice and exciting. But if you just do it with anyone, it doesn't feel like anything special

3. [+256, -73]
My mouth is watering just thinking about kissing

4. [+125, -7]
It's nice when it's very heated and that you get excited. Also, when your lips touch at first, your heart skips a beat and it feels like you freeze for a bit. If you never tried, you wouldn't know. My ex was my first kiss and he was floundering his tongue. I felt like dying

5. [+117, 0]
But your kiss seriously depends on the mood... I can't explain it any other way. For real, before my first kiss, I used to feel repulsed but once you try, seriously... it's f*cking nice. Of course, you have to do it with someone you like but.. once your tongues touch, it's f*cking erotic and f*cking nice. F*ck, but you really need to try to know...

6. [+99, -3]
Just try thinking like this... if you were to kiss your bias... just being in the same place as him is heart fluttering but once your tongues touch, just imagine how much more heart fluttering that is... but think about doing it with a guy you know, it sucks right? That's exactly the difference. It depends on who your partner is


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