Thursday, 9 July 2020


People are trying to figure out the orange thing in that right hand
(it doesn't matter if he's smoking as an adult, but beaches are non smoking areas)

(t/n: article saying that from July 2017, all domestic beaches will ban smoking)

original post: here

1. Why do they have so many controversies....

2. Is that the same guy who got into a controversy in his Ask? Wow they have f*cking too many controversies. Smoking in a non-smoking area is f*cking turning me off

3. Cigarettes burn red even when you're not smoking from it, it's especially apparent at night

4. I don't think it's a big deal if they smoke? But I realized it was a non-smoking area sigh. It's problematic to smoke there already, but to release in a picture on top of it...

5. The Boyz again???

6. This is blatant... But why release in an official account like this?ㅋㅋ The company has lost itㅋㅋ

7. If it's a non-smoking area, of course it's bad

8. 🍆🍆 (t/n: they use this to express "it's messy" = kajikaji = a lot of things/messy)

9. It's that Ask kid again?

10. Sunwoo you again??

11. This is 100% a cigarette

12. Sunwoo again...

13. This is straight up a cigarette... Let's not smoke in non-smoking areas please...


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