Wednesday, 15 July 2020


Amber Heard's stylist testified about being underpaid for working overtime and for the verbal abuse she received, etc. when the judge asked her why she is testifying in this case, she answered:
She was violently raped in Brazil but Amber Heard took her story and applied to her and Johnny Depp's situation to pretend that she was the one who got rapped

original post: here

1. The reality is even worse than in movies. What did Johnny Depp do to end up with such a crazy woman? ㅠㅠ

2. Wow she's seriously a crazy b*tch I'm getting f*cking goosebumps f*ck

3. Johhny Depp basically only filled for domestic violence but if you look closely to the full picture, it's even more astonishing;; he really met the wrong girl

4. This is definitely being made into a movie later

5. Crazy.,,;; she's totally a sociopath, she must have some mental issues

6. I feel totally bad for the stylist and for Johnny Deppㅠㅠ  I've grown up watching Johnny Depp's movies but because of that crazy b*tch she totally thrown Johnny Depp's image into a whole mess, my heart hurts just from thinking about it

7. That's one rare kind of wicked woman

8. No but didn't Amber Heard released recording proofs against Johnny Depp back then... It was on Twitter, I felt so bad for Johnny Depp but people were swearing at him so severely

9. Ah f*ck what are they gonna do about Aquaman?

10. And didn't she receive money from Johnny Depp but never ended up donating it?
Wow f*ck... Johnny Depp is such a saint...
From the way she's sh*tting on Johnny Depp and on her own stylist, she seriously has some kind of Ripley Syndrome... She's f*cking weird in the head

11. I don't know if I can still support Johnny Depp, but Amber Heard is surely one crazy b*tch

12. Sigh this is a relief for my first love Mad Hatterㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was so sad he was getting hate

13. Just imagine how trashy you have to be to think of something like this. Seriously no comment


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