Sunday, 9 August 2020


"This is FNC Entertainment.

We are sincerely apologetic about causing concern with the many unfortunate matters related to AOA, and we apologize for causing great worry and inconvenience. Above all, we hope that Kwon Mina, who is going through a difficult time, will quickly recover her health, and we extend a deep apology.

We apologize for the delay of the agency’s statement. We also deeply apologize for failing to have carefully taken care of the relationship between the members. We have contemplated and hesitated several times about clearly delivering the agency’s stance on this matter. The members have also been spending the days with frustration over the criticism and misunderstandings about them. We have also been well aware of the fact that there is a lot of criticism regarding the agency and the members.

Though we repeatedly contemplated revealing our stance, we decided that the recovery of Kwon Mina’s health is the current priority.

We concluded that explaining and refuting the things that are being said and publicly deciding on what is right and wrong in this situation will only produce more sensational issues and will not contribute to resolving the situation. We have also discouraged the AOA members from making individual statements even though they had wished to. We came to the conclusion that showing each of their statements in front of the public and having fights occur over those statements would not be the right way of resolving the situation.

Recently, when Kwon Mina asked the agency’s employees about Shin Jimin’s future plans for activities, we did not respond because Shin Jimin had personally already spoken with the agency to say that she had no intention to be active in the entertainment industry and wanted to live on as a non-celebrity, and we did not wish for it to be needlessly mentioned another time.

Regarding the matters mentioned in Kwon Mina’s social media posts, such as payment, we have been strictly abiding by industry standards, and if there is any potential problem, we will take all legal responsibility.

Once again, with a sincere heart, we wish for Kwon Mina to quickly recover her health, and we will work hard for a smooth resolution. We ask the public to support and cheer on Kwon Mina so she can return in good health."

CR: Soompi

original post: here

1. Yah, they can't even justify themselves ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. They are sneakily throwing the responsibility on Minaㅋㅋㅋㅋ they are seriously disgustingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. FNC can't even write a proper apology post... so what are they good at?

4. They are pretending to care about her. Does Mina need this kind of concern in an apology?ㅋㅋㅋ

5. So disgusting and cheapㅎㅎ

6. Rather than an apology, this looks like they are saying "we have a lot to say but we're holding back". They must have had some insurance contract. I'm curious about how they couldn't calculate her expenses properly if they had all the receipts

7. Should've paid her...

8. Why did they think that there was no need to mention Jimin's future activities??? Wow f*ck, they are seriously the worst.

9. A statement full of excuses

10. They've been thugs ever since they deducted her trainee fees from her pay. What "industry standard"? Also, they could've just answered her saying how Jimin retired from the industry, they are just ignoring her because they were mad. It's all just excuses

11. So I wasn't the only one who felt like they were threatening her with this post

12. An apology post without apology... f*ck, trash

13. Huh? I thought that they wrote it well

14. Do they not know what the definition of an apology is??


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